The Future (oooh):

Dream last night made me want a girlfriend. I forget how lovely girls are sometimes.

Um. Yes.

I was looking up information on the community college here earlier, and methinks I will be able to go in the fall after all. I'm actually excited, mostly because they have a good sign language program, and that's. Yeah. Exciting. And relatively hard to find, honestly.

Sign language is probably my favourite language, just because it's easiest for me. With every other language I have to shift gears to translate (I learn words by associating them with their meanings, as if I never before knew words, so I have to stop and think for the English anytime I really get into speaking one language). But sign language is different because it's completely visual. It basically just allows me to function on several compatible levels at once: the words in my brain, the signs on my hands, and the images and emotions associated with both of those things running as an undercurrent. It's the linguistic equivalent of a gangbang. I heart it.

I've actually been increasingly considering the idea of being a deaf interpreter for a living. There's more demand for them than there is a supply, currently, and, well. I read online diaries, the minutiae of daily life obviously fascinates me. It would be an environment that changes a decent amount (relative to, say, an office job), and... I just think I'd enjoy it more than I would most professions. It actually makes me feel comforted thinking about it, which is something.

...And that's that. Perhaps.

I'm also excited about the college bit for a multitude of other (mostly language-related) reasons. Russian! Japanese! French! German!

Yes, I want to learn every language ever. Because languages are yummy. Indeed.

Oh yeah, and I'll get to see people my own age. Outside of shows, I mean, which is important. Sometimes you want to see people who aren't flaming hipsters, and for the bands I see most often... Not bloody likely.

So I am happy about this. Quite. Meh!

2:33 a.m.
July 30, 2003.
Listening to: Shellac.

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A revelation without resolution or Nausea after-effects

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