
Dying my hair black has had the unexpected side effect of making me love wearing black clothes again. And making me love my glasses more. I'm actually starting to almost feel awkward in excessive colour, because it seems so fitting to have everything match and be blackblackblack. More comforting. I'm regressing in my fashion tastes! Oh my. (Not that I mind. Everyone always loved how I dressed as a high schooler. Everyone called me a goth as well, but they were just idiots. I didn't even know what goths were when I started dressing the way I did.)

Anyway, all of it is making me have excessive amounts of fun with my wardrobe again. Combining everything in new and fun ways (jeans + black velvet corset + red lace 3/4 sleeve shirt + black cons). It works because it's more me than anything else has ever been. And it makes me smile.

I've been fascinated with the idea of unexpected colour lately. Bright pink or green or orange fishnet stockings with an all black outfit. Seems brilliant to me. Red satin shoes are on my list of things I need as well, to be worn with all black outfits. Of course. It just seems picturesque in a halfreal way. I'm not quite pale enough to pull it off perfectly yet, but once summer is over I'm sure I'll have no trouble fading to pure white again. I'm not too far off now. (I am so glad I didn't tan, although I do admit I look less ill with slightly more colour than I had before this summer.)

Ah, an entire entry of shallowness!

But I've learnt that I am shallow, especially when it comes to appearances. I have a brain, and I use it often, but I am shallow. I recognise it, and I'm nurturing it, because it makes life more enjoyable. Besides, if you believe you're not shallow in the slightest you're probably deluding yourself. And who wants to lie to themselves more than absolutely necessary?

7:58 p.m.
July 02, 2003.
Listening to: Nothing.
Drinking: Nothing.
Eating: Nothing.

comments? 3.

whatever or I really must start wearing jeans again

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