
Lots of things.

I got a new computer. I moved in with my grandmother and out of my family home. I've been in an odd state emotionally. I was very good for a while, and now I'm sort of just...crashed. Of course, it's only been since I slept last, so perhaps I should try going to bed. I've been awake over 24 hours.

I haven't written here because I had too many things to write about, and couldn't decide between them. So now I appear to be writing about none of the above. I'm really just trying to reopen this writing channel in my mind, right now. Caught up on journals. Changed almost everything in my life. Challenges and habits and all. Far too much to even think of explaining.

My mind lately has been absorbed mostly by writing. Most people know this. It's all I can talk about. And I hate this entry, so I'm ending it.

Next one'll be better, I promise.

10:31 p.m.
October 30, 2003.
Listening to: Elliott Smith.

comments? 1.

Brief note or The pleasure that my sadness brings

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