So, what do you want to be when you grow up?:

I've been Thinking About the Future lately. And it's becoming increasingly apparent that, despite my plans, I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.

All of the things I really care passionately about are in either the arts or the humanities, neither of which pays anything or provides anything resembling decent job prospects. My best, safest bet in any of the areas I care about would be to teach.

And as I think about it, that seems less and less a bad thing, despite how much I hated school. I don't imagine it'd be much different. But I generally am good at getting people to do what I want, given the authority, and I'm pretty good at simplifying things into states most people can understand, when I feel compelled to do so. Thus, I could conceivably be decent at it. After all, it's not like I'm easy to piss off. Which is a definite good thing in that sort of place.

And then there's the possibility of being a professor, which could conceivably be a good thing from all angles.

Naturally, I worry about the debt to be incurred there, but. I think it could be okay. Even public school teachers make more money than my mother does, so it might not be such a bad thing.

So. Basically. Everything is up in the air. But I feel like I could do that.

The toughest part would be figuring out what I care about most. Perhaps I should research where the greatest shortages of teachers are? (Or at least where the littlest competition is.)

I dunno. It's another possibility, at least. And that's a good thing.

12:45 p.m.
January 16, 2004.
Listening to: Elliott Smith.

comments? 0.

The questions aren't rhetorical or This is what happens when I start making mental outlines (or: an amateur's discourse on writing)

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