The questions aren't rhetorical:

With all due respect, because I'm certain someone is due respect in this matter, what's the fucking point?

Just to stay alive?

Gratifying the egos (or enriching the lives) of self and/or others?

If the purpose of life is life, in one way or another, how can that be seen to be of any importance?

It just seems fucking stupid. Like using the Bible's status as 'truth' to prove its veracity.

Maybe I'm just miswired, but I don't see the inherent importance of life. I don't feel any particular need to keep living. I stay here because I know it would hurt at least two people quite deeply if I left. That's it.

I can't see life ever having any meaning besides one level or another of human vanity. This seems horrible to me. Repellant.

I suppose I just need a reason for living. And I've come up with quite a few, but all of them seem moronic to me. Pointless. Is there any way around this? Or is life just a random, cruel joke on the world?


2:55 p.m.
January 13, 2004.
Listening to: Elliott Smith.

comments? 2.

Rambling, tangential, altogether not-very-good entry or So, what do you want to be when you grow up?

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