Christmas music (can be) good:

I seem to have developed a love for Christmas albums.

I just like the whole concept. They're cover songs without an original artist. No homage to pay, except to a season or a holiday or a God. Or a story. They can be fucked with or kept traditional, and while you might know generally what you'll get before you hear a song, a good element of surprise can and will be felt upon listening.

I just think it's beautiful. The concept, I mean.

I just wish there were more that I actually liked listening to. Generally Christmas albums are made musicians. I've actually used it as a litmus test in the past: If they've made a Christmas album, they must be a shitty band.

Which isn't true, really. Just a tendency that often appears. Christmas music in general tends to come off as hokey and cliche unless it's approached from a completely fresh perspective, and I don't think most bands and singers can manage to do that.

Nothing else to say, really. I just wanted to rant about Christmas music and wave a little.

6:44 p.m.
December 08, 2003.
Listening to: Excelsis 3: A Prelude.

comments? 1.

The picture's far too big to look at kid or Pre-school anxieties

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