Talking of nothing:

I've been neglecting my diaries lately. The only thing I can say is that nothing has really been happening to me. I've been chained to the computer while awake, and sleeping most all of the time that I've not been sitting in this chair. It feels a bit pathetic, but I have been fairly happy (despite being in a depressive phase), so I can't complain.

I'm waiting for this mood to end so that I can wake up earlier. Go outside. Get a job, perhaps, since that is becoming an increasingly pressing priority in my mind. It would also be helpful in the task of talking to new people, or people at all. I become intolerably quiet anytime I'm in a down phase.

Perhaps the most interesting development of late is that I've been growing increasingly picky about music. Actually demanding for it to sound good the majority of the time. This is having the duel effect of my going back a few years in my music collection (mostly for goth bands, but not exclusively), as well as causing me to cringe whenever I listen to my recent favourites. I technically know this to be a good thing, but it still pisses me off.

I spend hours debating with people I love about Bad Music's right to exist, and its virtues, only to find myself unable to listen to it the majority of the time. Boo.

(And. Oh! He signed on. And my train of thought is totally lost, so I'll end this here.)

7:09 p.m.
September 09, 2003.
Listening to: Neutral Milk Hotel.

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How I listen to music or In which I fail miserably to explain my tastes

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