Yay! I have weak tendons!:

I got all excited when I saw this. Mostly because I'd never seen anyone else take that position to that length before, and...um. I can do it. I actually tried it today in front of a mirror, cos I had no idea it looked that weird. (It doesn't on me, because I weigh more than her. I was much relieved.) I was also happy to find that I could still get into precisely that position. Of course, I used to be able to push it a great deal further. I could point my feet forward while having the back of my palms a few inches in front of my toes, if you can imagine it. I'd demonstrate, but I don't stretch anymore, so I've lost the mobility I used to have.

It just made me happy. Brought back memories of wide-eyed and completely fucking shocked dance teachers. Ahh! Childhood.

Of course, the rest of my body isn't anywhere near that flexible. My legs are, and always have been, incredibly stiff (or at least my hip joints are, since I can bend my knees and ankles the wrong way). I did manage to get all of my splits at one point, but that was through sheer determination and a fuckload of practice. The rest of my body is just naturally unnaturally flexible.

Naturally unnaturally. I enjoy that.

It's probably because of this. Which I naturally find fascinating because it effects me. It definitely explains the whole 'MY JOINTS HURT' deal that I've had going since I was a tiny tot. As well as the frequency with which I did and do fuck up the damned things.

Knowledge is a wonderful thing. That's all I have to say.

5:44 p.m.
August 23, 2003.
Listening to: No Knife.

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