
I feel amazing.

Making waffles at 10:30 in the morning. I never eat breakfast food in the morning. Waffles always feel like Dinner to me, just as soup feels like breakfast. So you see things were a bit turned around. Right side up. Stirred and sang along to sappy Bright Eyes songs simultaneously. Smiled. Lots.

I don't remember if this was after or before reading Lolita. Perhaps both. I kept getting distracted from the words. Drifting off into dreams. But I understood it well enough, so that's alright. I'll be reading more presently. My pace keeps slowing down, and I can't accept that. Especially since I've finally gotten into unread territory.

Watched Strictly Ballroom after reading. Further appreciated how Moulin Rouge was a combination between that and Romeo & Juliet. Smiled because I love all three films intensely.

Nothing to say really. Nothing I will say. I just feel brilliant right now. And have done all morning. And for most of the night (after I stopped fretting on another's behalf). So. Yes. Pretty things.

Have a fantabulous day, my lovelies.

3:32 p.m.
August 16, 2003.
Listening to: Clem Snide.

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Half-drunken ramblings or Time

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