
Finally ransacked the local thrift shops. Well. Two of them. I only came home with one skirt from each, but they were completely worth the trip. One's the tackiest thing in the world, it's purple plaid with glitter threads going through it. I was awed, and absolutely had to have it. I was a happy little bugger when I realised it fit. The other's navy blue with school supply type things on it. I picked it out thinking it was interesting, mostly, and was shocked to find that I liked it a fair deal for non-campy elements. I look good in a skirt. Especially short circle skirts. Made of insanely thin material. Ack!

So I'm happy. Now all I need is a haircut and a dye job and I'm good to go. Well, mostly.

I was complimented on my skin when I got my allergy shot yesterday. This threw me off all to hell, because my skin is generally not very good, and it's not the sort of compliment you ever anticipate getting. Although I do suppose that problem's been better lately anyway. I just haven't noticed much because I don't look in mirrors very often. My association with them is usually enough to spot-check or play with makeup, completely forget to examine how the product looks together, and bounce out the door like a perky little...um...depends on the day, really.

While I was getting my shot we encountered my grandmother (mother's side), and she gave my mother a card to an eye doctor. This puzzled me. I have glasses already, and everyone else in my family can see. I was scratching my head (probably literally), but I didn't ask about it because I figured it would be brought up later. It was. My mother said that she should set up an appointment to see if I could get laser eye surgery, just cos it's so fucking hard for me to drive with one really functional eye. I basically flipped. Paced around. Was all, 'But I love my glasses!' Because I do. It'd be nice if they helped more, but. I don't know. They're just so fugging cute. And being cute is fun. I don't want to give that up for perfect vision.

I'm vain. But in reverse.

Ohh, that reminds me. Due to my half-blindness, I may actually qualify for a free (free!) driving program especially for people with...um...similar issues. I have to be tested, and might not be bad enough or whatever, but I still think that'd be a very good alternative. It'd be nice to have someone who actually knows how to handle the issues associated with half-blindness teach me some things. Cos God knows I haven't figured it out yet, and everyone else is clueless.

Been quite happy the past few days. Doing instead of thinking and feeling, for the most part. Trying to stop drinking so much (while daydreaming about doing so tonight). Because it can't be healthy, and it's never as enjoyable as I want it to be. Nights are hard though. Especially when it's impossible to get to sleep before sunrise. Without imbibing far too many depressants, in any case.

I haven't been reading as much. I feel ignorant. Maybe I should take to the news, that's a good halfway point.

Oh! Oh! Saw Tombraider 2 today. It sucked, but I always go into movies with low expectations, so that was fine. The most shocking part of the viewing was discovering that I'm no longer attracted to Angelina Jolie. Which I guess isn't that weird, since I never found any part of her physically attractive to begin with. Still. Hmm.

There was one point in the movie where they were essentially flying through the air. I saw it and got all bouncy and 'Iwanttodothat!!' Because I'm a dork. And I enjoy these things. I should really look into how I can start doing that stuff. I've wanted to since I was a little kid, and now I'm legally old enough to do it. Soo...

Hm. What else? Oh. There was a minirant in my head about how fascinating history is. Not for wars and dates, but for the insights into human nature and for how completely things can be destroyed. Eventually everything is brought down to conjecture, nothing is definite, and I think that's beautiful. In its way.

But yes. That's all.

5:11 p.m.
July 26, 2003.
Listening to: My newest mix.
Drinking: Water.
Eating: Nothing.

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