random selection of thoughts:

Sushi is quite possibly one of the most magical things in the world. Tasty, filling, and only 40 calories per piece! (Yes, I'm thinking about foods in terms of calories again, please bear with me.)

The little kid at the sushi place reminded me of hide. I find this amazing and absolutely fascinating. Probably because hide was amazing and absolutely fascinating.

I've grown into a habit of curling into corners during my lunch periods, and staring out at the rest of the world. ("A tiny animal curled into a quarter circle.") I'm always afraid when I watch people that they might come talk to me. When I see people walking in my general direction I always close my eyes, to make sure they don't come. A protective barrier, if you will.

Was thinking today that the main, distinguishing characteristic of Japanese rock is experimentation. I think that's why I have a tendency to like it so much. Was also thinking, in a quite unrelated moment, how I value very highly a completely underproduced sound. No production is always better than overproduction. That's what I say. (Not that I don't listen to some music that is blatantly overproduced, of course, because I do. It's just the principle of the thing.)

Today, somehow, I felt very frightened. And I don't know why my brother has been so constantly mean and angry lately. But he has, and it's bothered me. And my mother is sad and mopey, which is somewhat understandable, but still makes me feel incredibly guilty. Whenever something is wrong I always assume it is my fault, even if it is something entirely beyond my control. Like illness, or bad traffic. I suppose that's probably some warped form of intense egotism, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant.

5:39 p.m.
January 18, 2002.
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- or jumping ideas. what else can you expect when orangered lipglass is involved?

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